Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Roller Coaster

So if you will have the same procedure - this is one of the possibilities you can expect. Day started great - full of energy. I went to work but at around 2:30 decided to go home, felt tired. After I got home, instantly I fell asleep in my chair. Normally I sleep only 5-7 hours daily - lately that is how many hours I stay awake. I tried something nutritious and bland - a small salmon patty. No salt, no spices. I could only eat a little more than half, when things started to go south. I have been puking whole evening and it is almost 1AM - and I still feel like I am ready for couple of more trips. What a bummer!


  1. So this is the Daily Puke-Up-Your-Food Diet?

    Don't bulemics do the same thing without the risky and expensive bariatric surgery?

    I think I'll just stick with my low-carb diet, which seems to be working very well for me.

    Best wishes to you.

  2. Yes - you are right - the same thought crossed my mind - however this nausea suppose to last only few weeks. I am writing this blog mostly for my friends and potential surgery candidates who can leverage some of their decisions based on my experiences.
    So I just have to describe what is and as is happening.
    I am very glad that your low-carb diet works for you and if my experience turns you off as potential candidate for the surgery - that is great.
    Good luck to you and thanks for the feedback.
